Liquid Barium Cadmium Zinc PVC Stabilizer
Liquid Barium Cadmium Zinc PVC Stabilizer e sebelisetsoa ho sebetsana le mefuta e fapaneng ea PVC e entsoeng ka polasetiki le e thata-thata, joalo ka calendering, extrusion, particulate composite le plastisol. E na le dispersibility e ntle, pepeneneng e ntle haholo, mocheso le botsitso bo bobebe, ntle le poleiti, 'me e boloka 'mala oa eona oa pele hantle. E ka ntlafatsa pepeneneng ea lihlahisoa tsa PVC 'me e ka sebelisoa ha ho etsoa letlalo la maiketsetso le filimi ea PVC. Ho feto-fetoha ha eona ho e lumella hore e sebelisoe ha ho etsoa thepa ea PVC e entsoeng ka polasetiki le e thata-thata, ho kenyelletsa le calendering, extrusion, particulate composite le mekhoa ea plastisol. Stabilizer e bonts'a thepa e ntle haholo, ho kenyelletsa le dispersibility e ntle, pepeneneng e ikhethang, le botsitso bo tsotehang tlas'a mocheso le khanya, ho netefatsa boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa ho qetela.
Ntho | Metal Content | Sebopeho | Kopo |
CH-301 | 7.7-8.4 | Likahare tsa Filler tse Phahameng | Filimi e hlophisitsoeng, lifilimi tsa PVC, letlalo la maiketsetso, li-hoses tsa PVC, joalo-joalo. |
CH-302 | 8.1-8.8 | Botsitso bo Botle ba Thermal, Ponaletso e Ntle e Ntle |
E 'ngoe ea likarolo tsa eona tse hlahelletseng ke bokhoni ba eona ba ho boloka 'mala oa eona oa pele le ho thibela mathata a li-plate-out, e leng se bakang ts'ebetso e hloekileng le e sebetsang hantle ea tlhahiso. Kameho ea eona e kholo ho ntlafatseng pepeneneng ha lihlahisoa tsa PVC e e etsa khetho e ntle ka ho fetesisa ho li-additives tsa setso joalo ka barium stearate le zinc stearate. Ka lebaka leo, ke sebaka se loketseng bakeng sa li-additives tsena tse tloaelehileng ts'ebetsong ea letlalo la maiketsetso le lifilimi tsa PVC. Haholo-holo, ho lumellana ha eona le ts'ebetso ea eona li etsa hore e tšoanelehe hantle bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea khalendara, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e ratoang ke bahlahisi ka mokhoa ona o khethehileng. Ho ba teng ha Liquid Barium Cadmium Zinc PVC Stabilizer indastering ho bonts'a khatello e ntseng e hola ea tharollo ea botsitso le eco-friendly. Ha tlhokahalo ea lihlahisoa tsa PVC tsa boleng bo holimo, tse pepeneneng, le tse tšoarellang li ntse li eketseha, karolo ea stabilizer ena e ba ea bohlokoa le ho feta. E thusa bahlahisi ho hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa PVC tse fihlelang litlhoko tse thata tsa liindasteri tse fapaneng ha li ntse li fokotsa tšusumetso ea tsona ea tikoloho. Qetellong, thepa e ikhethang ea Liquid Barium Cadmium Zinc PVC Stabilizer le mefuta e mengata ea lits'ebetso li e etsa letlotlo la bohlokoahali tikolohong ea sejoale-joale ea ts'ebetso ea PVC. Ha e ntse e etsa hore indasteri e be le ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le e sebetsang hantle, bahlahisi le bareki ba ka lebella pepenene e ntlafalitsoeng, ho tšoarella le ts'ebetso ho lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa PVC.